Sunday, May 21, 2006

The Real Me?

Some may say they knew me, some may say they are close to me.
Most of them who know me, I am a happy go luck person, always taking care of other people, loyal and nice to chat with...sometimes I think, am I a good person?
Am I good enough for anyone to be with? Most of the time I think no...But lucky enough I'm good enough to my parents...

I may be happily smilling to the people around but do they know the truth behind these smilling faces? Do they know the real me?
What I did before? How I felt?
Do they understand me? Do they know what I want in life?

I may say, some of them really do...but very few...very few indeed....


Blogger Ari said... matter who you are, but i hope you will keep posting. People usually post when they are down,when they lost someone they love...and hope someday that person will read what they have posted.

Well, maybe he will never read it But others do,like me.

I hope you find your love one day. And most important of all, yourself.

There's nothing in this world that we actually own, but we can try to be happy with what we actually have right now, at this moment.


9:45 PM  

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